Stewart can’t believe what ‘bizarre’ Craig Levein said about Celtic

Celtic’s win over St Johnstone on Saturday was probably the most comprehensive win we have seen at Parkhead since the 7-1 win over Dundee.

Before that result against the Dens Park side, the 6-0 win over Aberdeen at Paradise earlier in the season was another.

In both of those games, Celtic had a glut full of chances to make the scoreline even higher and against Craig Levein’s side at the weekend, it wasn’t any different.

With over 73% possession, Rodgers’ side fashioned 23 shots on goal. Ten of those were on target, six were blocked and seven were off-target. [Sky Sports]

This made Levein’s post-match Celtic comments look strange and left Michael Stewart branding the St Johnstone manager’s match summation as bizarre.

Stewart said [Scottish Football Podcast], “He sounds upbeat and certainly had a positive spin on the first half [when he said] there wasn’t too many chances for Celtic.

“I’m not quite sure that there are many folk who will agree with that assessment.

“They were gubbed. And look, they’re not the only team. There are teams that go to Celtic Park and get turned over and go and set play they set up.

“So it’s not as if there’s huge levels of criticism with regards to that. But certainly, his take on Celtic not having too many chances was a bit bizarre.”

I just think Levein was being cute with his answers, to be honest. If he came out and said what he really felt he would have just been throwing more pressure on his players who are already knee-deep in a relegation battle.

The St Johnstone manager knows how good Celtic were on Saturday. As Stewart points out, Celtic absolutely battered the Perth side and had it not been for VAR and the woodwork, the score could easily have been six or seven to the good for Celtic.

Levein is not kidding anyone here. His main concern was damage limitation to his own players. As for Celtic and Brendan Rodgers, they know the truth and will take great pleasure that they produced a performance on Saturday that was befitting of the Scottish champions.

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