‘Absolutely vital’… Former Celtic player has just landed key SFA referee role

PFA Scotland CEO, Fraser Wishart, has explained why former Celtic striker, Craig Beattie, has just landed a key refereeing role within the SFA.

The VAR furore surrounding Scottish football and, most recently Celtic, heaped pressure on the SFA’s former Head of Referees, Crawford Allan, this week.

And after Allan resigned yesterday afternoon, it seems like the national association has taken steps to build bridges between them and the players after Beattie was appointed as the player liaison officer between the refereeing department and the Scottish top-flight club captains.

Beattie has been charged with getting the views and opinions on VAR from the players and feeding them back to the SFA.

And here, Wishart explains the thinking behind appointing the former Celtic striker to the role.

Wishart said [The Sun], “We feel it’s absolutely vital that players’ views on VAR are taken into consideration.

“Since it was introduced the players haven’t been asked what their views on it are, so we’re going to go ahead and do it and feed the responses back to the SFA.

This is probably the biggest move the SFA have made to try and fix the serious issues surrounding the application of VAR and it’s the first time player’s opinions are being taken on board regarding the refereeing technology.

After Celtic succumbed to some terrible decisions against Hearts two weeks ago, I am sure this move will be welcomed by the clubs.

VAR has been dogged with controversy ever since it’s induction just over 18 months ago and any proposal to make sure it is used fairly to assist referees will be welcomed not just by the clubs but also by football fans all over the country.

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